Workout Wednesday

Hello everyone! I would like to start off by sharing some news about some changes coming to my schedule with my blog postings. Due to some changes in my life, I’m going to be decreasing the number of posts that I make, starting with this week. I will only be making one scheduled post a …

Mental Health Monday Check-In

Hello friends! I hope that this post finds you in good health and spirits. Just know, this post will have absolutely nothing to do with swimming, but will have everything to do with your general well-being. A lot of my posts have been about different things you can do to improve your mental performance which …

Yoga for Swimmers

Throughout this entire quarantine, I have been posting workouts to help you maintain your strength and technique for when the pools open back up again and we are ready to jump in the water. While these exercises are great, it’s just as important to make sure that we are allowing our bodies to recover. Yoga …


Hello everyone! Before we get started, I want you to take a deep breath. Then I want you to say out loud, “I am enough and no matter what comes my way, I can handle it and will come out of this stronger than before.” Now if you are quarantined with someone else, I want …

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